About Me

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Curious, philosopher, poet, blogger, Biker, writer, Engineer by mistake, Student at a B School by choice, Entrepreneur , history lover, want to explore world, meet new people, learn cultures but ultimately (an average Indian who ll settle for IT company, packages, a beautiful family and will curse Indian cricket and politics throughout the life).... only if what I dream come true :). I hope I ll aspire you by my blog.
The great beauty of Poetry is, that it makes every thing every place interesting - '
John Keats

Tuesday 12 September 2017

She said, "Now that you had me, you have stopped loving me."

Her voice kept on echoing in his mind. He gulped down the saliva in guilt, his media player was playing a song "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger".

He knew he had messed up everything, the day he held her tight in his arms, the day he met her for the first time at local station, the day she smiled innocently at him, the day she kissed him and he sheepishly fell into her.

He again took out a cigarette from his Marlboro packet, he searched for lighter and remembered how she cursed his habit of smoking. But now that she was gone, why should he care of what mattered to her ? Should he really care ?

His thoughts were replicating on his actions, way he found a yellow lighter from far pocket of his bag, which he was lighting on and off.

Well, it wasn't love but it was his casual behavior that might have led to this situation or that's what she thought about it. But he always loved her and was quite sure of her then why did she say those words ?

That night when she was with him, he loved her, made vows but then they had each other.

It was then that their life changed.She started dreaming of rainbows and cakes in far islands beyond waterfalls while all he cared was the early morning flight to his city, the premier league match next night and his road to become a senior manager in 5 years. He had dreams of her as his beloved wife and he was happy, while she dreamt of dates, having wine under the sky, holding hands, stealing kisses and letting world know about their union.

They loved each other but their way was different, well as they say Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus.

Now that he had her, he was secure of her love, so he started focusing on things that will matter to them, while because She had him, she was insecure of his love and started focusing on him, so she don't lose him.

- Aspiring Finder ( PRS )

Monday 27 July 2015

If we know the end, how do we live? 

Life and death is just like 2 sides of coin, as I write this blog, 27th July has already been written as a gloomy day in Indian history. APJ Abdul kalam - the man who dared to dream and who inspired generations to dream big, left this world. A day started with terrorist attacks in Punjab taking 8 lives, ended in this heartbreaking news.

These 2 situations teach us the essence of life. These 2 situations teach us that there is nothing sure in this world.

There is this eternal truth that everyone who has entered in this so called 'world' has to die. People cheer when someone is born and then moan when someone dies. I often laugh at myself that for what and why are we just trotting, why do we just move on, why do we just aimlessly roam, why do we fight with people, why do we expect, why do we cry, why do we fight for those luxuries?  In fact all our life is just a lie. A big lie, we are born and then we are surrounded by all those feelings whose only motto is to make us believe that life is not a lie but it is half truth. Death is not the destination but it is just an end to our drama. A drama which is enacted impromptly on a stage called as MOTHER EARTH. The director of our drama is that supreme soul who might be sitting somewhere up in the sky and laughing at us. He might be laughing that what bunch of idiots are these people. We might have been sent with some motive but in the end we fulfill our aims or we desperately fall at last hurdle and then all that is left is us and our soul. Some people like Mr. Kalam might have fulfilled his motive as guided by god but then what are we doing here? We need to find the blueprint of this drama that he has directed; maybe we will be able to find a perfect role for ourselves. We might be seen as a clown in our society, but maybe that is the role which god assigned us. At the end of the day we somehow are succeeding in our motive of spreading laughter. A smile on the face of people is what god might have wanted from us.

A moment comes in our life where we think that this is that breaking point. When we all are going to end in a black valley of our own karma, why do we fight, cry, fall, fight and live a life as someone other. We all want to become someone else, we all want to do something different and in the end we end up becoming similar. As I sit in my balcony, I can see that far beyond that sky, There is something that is beyond our understanding. The cerebral supremacy of the people in this world is just for the life  that they live because everything that has appeared has to disappear someday. Everything that has taken a birth will die someday , everything that has been in existence except that supreme soul has gone down somewhere in black valley far away from the cacophony of airplanes, far away from the whistling crowd, far away from the blue water, far away from sky, far away from cuckoo's melody, far away from human ego, far away from dense forests, far away from those happy faces, far away from those drained eyes, far away from drunk mind, far away from crying baby, far away from whistling meadows, far away from a mother's caring hands, far away from a father's aspiring eyes, far away beyond that huge demonic mountains, far beyond that first kiss, far beyond the hustle and bustle of world, Where staying alive is what people know but why to be alive is out of their bounds, far beyond those bells of temples, far beyond those heads bowed down in admiration, far away from that hard earned salary, far away from the love we make, far away from relationships that we keep, far away from the smoke of cigarette, far away from the addiction of alcohol, far away from that temple's bell, far away from early morning azaan, far away from the branded clothes that we wear, far away from those highly rated degrees, far away from those rain drops, far away from that chilling cold, far away from everything that we ever thought is important because everything that has emerged is bound to perish. We falter and we rise up, we falter and we rise up again but in the end we all end up in that 2 piece of land or maybe burned on that pyre of woods and will end up in the soil from which we emerged. 

If this is life then why do we worry?
If we know the end then why do we travel?
If world is so cruel then why we ever entered....?

.....Because it is the journey that counts and not the destination. Death is a milestone, our soul is immortal, body will degrade, soul will not, we will end up in some other body and in some other life form. We ll be again standing upside down for 9 months in loneliness, all alone in mother's womb, only to understand that life outside is more lonely and devilish than inside. The point is we often forget what and how we stayed with patience, valor and enthusiasm inside our mother's womb. We all are born equal and we all are winners as we all have faced toughest time of our life in mother's womb. Still, as we enter this colossal world, we forget that we can complete each challenge. Yes, death is certain, Mahavir, Buddha, Krishna all had to die, maybe so that they can acquire the purest form i.e. soul but when we are not able to attain that purest form, all we can do is stand up and believe in ourselves. We should laugh, love because maybe that is the only thing which we can do. Just imagine that you are flying a kite and kites knows that either someone will cut it or it might fly far away or it might get torn away or it might get stuck in trees, wires but still we kite flies high because the sheer enjoyment in the flight, the gush of wind which makes kite feel free is beyond imagination. Yes, some kites do a perfect job and some are kept in museums as they are immortal but remember that they are in museum because they have a story, they will never fly again but they have a story and we need to find our story. We are very much similar to those kites. Life is equal for all as Abdul Kalam once said
"Life is a difficult game. You can win it only by retaining your birthright to be a person"

We are taught about life in our mother's womb. Mother has this beautiful conversation with her unborn baby in womb and that is worth reading

Conversation with womb 

Darkness is all over inside...
I want to come and sing outside, mother
All I can do is moan...
While am standing upside down, mother

Life is beautiful, god said
But this darkness looks bad, mother
If this is the world inside,
I want to see life outside, mother

Some said up, it is easy down,
Why am I still hanging as a clown? Mother
I want to make sound,
I hate Inside, as no one is around...mother

Filthy cowardly is world around,
Don't you dare to make a sound, my child
Scary, frightening is darkness inside
Not as dark as people outside, my child

Claustrophobic, suffocating is life inside,
Not as smothering as situations outside, my child
Lonely, alone is life inside, 
Still not as lonesome as people outside, my child

World outside is ghoulish, devilish and cruel.
Yet so colorful, mesmerizing and beautiful, my child
Though who stood 9 months upside,
Shall never fear of blues outside, my child

Your spirit and enthusiasm is commendable inside
But you’ll forget this valor when you are outside, my child
 You are so brave to survive inside,
 Just be like this and world is easy outside, my child

 world is easy outside, my child........

- Aspiring Finder (Parth Sanghani)

Saturday 26 April 2014

LIFE: Some certain yet weird questions 

After 3 months, I am again here with my blog. I feel like there is someone who is listening to me. I feel as if yes, I have my own world my own place where no one can revolt, no one can stop me. I used to write diary, but somewhere lost that habit, I don't know why I lost this habit but it had to someday.... My life isn't going to be like King Babur or like Anne frank that it will be published. I stopped writing diary and maybe I lost all my good habits. A great contribution goes to today's active social world and today's active participation of youth in politics. As elections are going on, there are numerous numbers of debates going on and numerous numbers of relations are made, are broken and are reformed. Well, we all are politicians by birth, we manipulate people, we ask for help from someone, and at times we return the favor, while at times we don't. My last post was about my definition of failure. I wrote about karma. Do your work and god will help you out. Now, this blog is about.... wait I’ll have to think ... about what?

There is hardly anything that I can think. Failure, Reject, reject, waitlist.... ohhh u converted?? Congo ... my bad luck... Mom no chance for MBA this year... Dude, I really worked hard but I don’t know... Come on ... My interviews were awesome ... GD was great ... interviewer was impressed.... Yar, still rejected... Well Elections coming... Hate modi .... How dare u to speak anything to kejriwal .....Final SEM.... project :(....... WHAT?? Dude u were not even planning for MBA, How u converted ... How come only I am left? This is sad... I am feeling, I have lost everything.... No hope..... Only hope is waiting till June.....else cat next year.......aakar my small startup is a little success ....but god knows…what will happen... where will end up …. Sad L. Past 3 months has passed in a constant torture. 5visits to Mumbai, 3 to Ahmadabad, 1 to pune and what do u get, a reject. Still, waiting for some institute that might change my luck.

 Day in Day out, all I am thinking is what am I doing to my life? Is that my overconfidence or I really don't deserve or I am that dumb to not able to crack an MBA interview. It hurts when you yourself start feeling low about yourself when you look at that person in the mirror. You feel as if your real being is caged between the mirror and real world and is working hard to get out but losing somewhere...and one fine day while sitting outside I went into this philosophical expedition and came across some certain yet weird thoughts....
Life is beautiful or is it horrendously insane?
Amazing is this concept of birth and death.

Hahaha a lottery ticket has an easy algorithm rather than this birth and death cycle . . .
Is this really what we are here for? 
What if all of a sudden someone pricks the bubble and wakes you up from the dream?
What if actually we are still in dreams and someone says hey wake up what you were seeing was a dream?
What if all of a sudden we come to know that the money, the luxury, the life after which we are working hard is actually an illusion...
What if someone comes and tells you that you might win the race but you will not be called winner...

If someone tells you that your whole life, your every moment is just a myth, which is some supreme soul's method of entertaining himself....

This will come as a shocker for all of us, and we will be tempted to think that aren't we acting like those jokers of circus, those jokers who will laugh, cry, fight, hit and will provide the entertainment for an hour and then will move away for next show just like our soul changes the body. Maybe, roles differ from show to show but in the end we are just here to entertain others or to do something or to make name ... or what..? Is there any answer? Is there an answer that what we are doing just now, what we are planning has any outcome or not..? 


  Sitting here on grass, I can see an airplane flying up high in the sky. I felt how easy it has been for us to travel through different parts of the world. What if all of a sudden the pilot feels that wait, am not here to fly this machine .I Am actually up here for other things and he stops flying his airplane. What if the boatman while sailing his boat jumps in the river saying why should I take you on the bank? You travel yourself, I want to swim and here I go. That certainly doesn't make sense but who are we to decide what makes sense and what doesn't or for that matter who is the one who will decide? Are we all not caged in our own body that is just like a machine or a TV remote that works fast when new battery is added, after sometime we will push harder, and then we will move close to TV and will trot ahead and finally will die...
Life - love, I, friends/family, enemy . . .
Nobody has ever been able to answer that why do we take birth, why do we call someone mother and someone father? Why do we nurture our life? Why do those tiny legs try to stand up on their own? Why do we grow up? Why do we move on? Why do we run after luxury, money and name? Who are we? What is our motive? Why do we enact this drama? Why do we cry, laugh, love, Smile, care, fight, dance, sing and why do we live if in the end we are going to die?

Life- starts from tedious 9 months of dark walls, maybe every child is a winner as he or she had endurance and patience to stand upside down for 9 months in mother's womb. Life starts when a child smiles at a small touch of her mother. Life starts when a child stands up on his own legs and the father looks at him or her in amazement. So many extracts, so many conclusions of this huge colossal word called life. How can a group of people all of a sudden form a combined meaningful word called family? Why do people fight for power when in the end they are going to be vanished and will be forgotten under mud and there would be nothing but his or her remains? Why they dream when in the end the eyes through they dream will burn into ashes and meet the surroundings and will fly away after their death and all people will remember that yes he dreamt and at times people will not also remember you, forget your dreams and that vicious cycle will continue.

Why do we make an unbreakable bond with someone and still manage to live after he or she leaves this world? People talk about optimism but isn't that selfishness? I am sorry for what happened to you I loved you but I need to continue with my life. Why do we endlessly roam without any result? Why do we move from each place to other without knowing the importance of what actually life is?

We keep on travelling, we fight for positions, We start with A(capital letter), pause at comma, express at colon:, take a breath at semi-colon;, ask at question mark, move on at 2 dots, laugh at exclamatory, describe at hyphen- , make relations at underscore_, Add friends at +, subtract sorrows at -, multiply money *, divide hardships, evaluate our small results at percentage and =, give importance to someone at hash tag#, get close to many at attherate @ and then finally end at full-stop. Isn't this amazing??

What if a doctor stops operating a patient and says it’s too much. Why I am saving his life as in the end he and me both will die? Stop this shit, I ll not operate...
These questions keep on harassing me. . Why the fuck we give fuck to the life if in the end we know life is going to fuck us.
Why the hell a person visits temples and urge for good health if still he will never remain immortal . . . .

Amazing is this microcosm . . . Amazing is this game, a joke, a drama, a magic show where the one up there doesn't know who will live how . . . . 
Why do we endlessly run and perspire and still in the end each single part of us will move into the surroundings and will disappear like the smoke of that cigarette. Life is similar to the cigarette where 10 of those enter in this world under different labels .One goes to a millionaire and other on some torn battered lips. Each one has its own price and still all they do is they burn. Some gives a better reaction due to the tobacco inside it but still some among them falls down and comes under wheels or legs for no mistake of their, while others keep on burning . Some will end their life at a halfway mark without any mistake of his or her while some might get life after death when someone picks up the leftovers. Still, whatever and how much branded they are, in the end they all are harmful. A foolish will smoke it though it will not provide any happiness or any enjoyment except nostalgia and pampered wounds. Still, the cigarette will burn and complete its life. Some might be broken from between but still will manage to give all the pleasure. Life is like that, we know it is harmful , we know it is going to end , we know we have our own brand , we know we might fall to be someone big or maybe we might be battered down but still we keep on burning keep on. Running just aimlessly and without any use. . . . . .
Life ha ha ha what's that bro?

Sunday 26 January 2014

karma kar, fal ki chinta mat kar....

It is almost 6 months that I have picked up the courage to log in and write this blog. What stopped me from past 6 months is what am still searching for. I was preparing for my CAT examinations and for that I had stopped writing blogs, I stopped Facebook (it was life for me at one moment :D) and then missed navratri, missed so many fun moments from life and then came the litmus test in which I failed. But, before I failed,I went to goa along-with couple of my friends utkarsh and Roy. Goa, memories are always part of our life and I managed to set one more feather of memories in my crown. After that there was a beautiful journey of IIT Bombay- Mood Indigo 2013- . How does this techofreeks organize such an awesome event? I spent some of the best days of my life at mood Indigo. I always wanted to write this blog but somehow I had a fear, I don't know what kind of fear, but I really was afraid that I have lost my writing skills somewhere and like every other things which I take up as a zealot and end up as a bore. I thought I have lost this time also.

It was 31st December 2013 and I felt how I have grown up year after year. It was just yesterday that I entered this engineering world and how all of a sudden I am now planning for my post graduation. After giving my XAT, I was eagerly waiting for my results. Soon, shockers after shockers started and I came in front of 92 percentile of Snap. I cried whole night and was in utter shock till evening. My dream of SIBM P was shattered and I had to come out of the fairy tale. I waited for my Cat result and in the morning of makarsankrati (kite flying day), there came another shocker, 86.95 percentile in CAT. I cried that day thinking that, I was laughing exactly a year ago on people who got 93 percentile that, “What the hell he prepared in last 2 years? ... And now GOD was being unfair with me". I failed in almost all the exams which I gave, be it Nmat, Snap, Cat or Xat.  Well in XAt, I scored 87.65 percentile but that was certainly not enough and I failed. The bitter part of human-beings is we have never been able to define the word-failure. I gave my cat on 31st oct thinking that I ll get more than 94 percentile. I gave Snap with a dream that I ll get SIBM PUNE call and hopefully I ll convert it. I still remember how I wassaped a big inspirational speech to all my friends with a message that it is time to payback, it is time to show the world that we have not wasted our past 2 years. It is time to know that yes we really have worked hard and we owe our success and our dreams to the exams which we will give in the coming days. But, Somewhere I failed. Somewhere I failed as my definition of failure was too limited. As I said we have never been able to understand what failure is? I understood when some of my friends called me to say congratulations that you have left 87 percentage of people behind, Cheer up. I understood that we draw so thin lines that it gets very difficult for us to travel on them.

When I opened my eyes and saw the world around me, I found that there were lots of people whose dreams were shattered.Some had bad luck while many were accusing someone or the other. I felt maybe people were correct. In snap, the whole system had changed and academic profile took a Frankenstein approach for Snap to destroy its own identity among student fraternity. On the other end IIM Indore and Prometric together acted as partners in crime and played the game of ,"ACCURACY"  where a well deserved candidate gets less percentile because of his some wrong attempts while a poorly prepared guy gets ahead by just attempting 30 percent of questions correctly. Student fraternity expressed their concern over this and started revolt groups and are now planning to file the petition in court and I felt yup this money minded education institutes should be taught lessons but then felt, "this is life". Life is unfair to us at times and at times it gives us unexpected things. Yes, I do believe that we ourselves are our own creators but I again feel that everything has a correct time and when it is not your time, it is certainly not your time. We have heard so many failure stories of people all around the world. Amitabh bacchan who was rejected at ALL INDIA RADIO or ALBERT EINSTEIN who was not able to speak and was told by his teachers that he will never able to do anything.There are so many example be it oprah winfrey or beatles or michael jordan or walt disney or thomas alva edison. The day on which we start learning from our failure is the day when we are back to square one. How beautifully Thomas Alva Edison had said, “I have not failed but I have been successful that in how many ways bulb cannot be made."

I am representing that part of the country which gets frustrated very easily-youth. The problem with some of us is we are an engineer and lots of engineers feel that why they are engineers? In fact the problem with lots of the students in the worlds largest democratic is that the children have never been able to be democratic and follow their dreams. My parents have supported me but as a child I saw all my sisters and cousins becoming engineers and doctors that I had a pre-notion to join engineering. I know, lots of people reading here will sympathize with my emotions. The problem doesn't stop here because we all feel that we have been at wrong place doing wrong job. From, past 1 month I was thinking the same thing that what I have been doing to my life and now I need to get into B schools that I never thought. Obviously no management institute is bad because"it does not matter whether you are at  the top of the crust or bottom of the crust unless you are in the crust", but it certainly takes time to again come on the track.

I felt that how selfish we all are?
How mean are we?
The problem with the world begun on that very day when the term Homo sapiens turned into human being and that was when all that civilized melo-drama came into our life which in fact brought this desire to excel and strive ahead. It is rightly said ,"Man is a bundle of Desires". There is a vicious circle which moves around our life. A guy walking with bare legs on grass sees a person ahead walking with shoes, the guy with shoes feels jealous of the one on cycle. The person on cycle sees a person on motorcycle and thinks,"How easily he can travel without any hard work." The one on motorcycle sees the one in car and feels jealous that he has an AC car. The one driving car in traffic sees helicopter envies of the one in helicopter. Finally, the one in helicopter gives a look on land and feels that how care-free the guy is walking on grass enjoying the nature. 

It is not our problem that we fail, but it is our problem when we envy of the one who has succeeded. I believe that maybe he might not be that deserving but there is somewhere someone who is controlling the theory of equality and relativity. I strongly believe that the amount of success and failures are not permanent but they are distributed from one person to other for certain amount of time. Now the time is what we need to search for and it depends on how much one deserves. If you believe that you ought to have success then maybe whatever hard work you did will never go waste and will help you to regain yourself and find a new being. Maybe, the relativity theory is against you at this moment but that supreme soul has known your assiduity and tenacity and will certainly bring success in your laps and maybe this time for a longer period. It is just that the world is playing a big game of pillow passing where failure and success both are transferred to each other and it remains for a moment with each and everyone but the moment when music stops it has equal probability of giving you success or failure.....

There is a story about this, once upon a time there were 2 stones in a dense forest. Now both the stones were besides each other. Many travellers used to come and sit on the stones. There was one stone which was little sharpened from the top and so no one ever dared to sit on it. That stone used to taunt the round shaped stone as an idiot, who serves people for nothing and which bears unnecessary weight on itself. One fine day there was a big shiv bhakta who forgot his direction in the forest, at that time he saw this round shaped stone and it carved the stone and made a shiv-ling out of it and started praying to god. It happened suc that out of co-incidence some of his fellow companions found him. That bhakta then felt that it was only due to that shiv linga and so he then made a temple. That same stone on which people used to sit was now worshiped as god and on the other end the one which was proudy and was enjoying its freedom was used as a place to break coconut in pieces for offerings in temple. So THAT IS LIFE AND THAT IS THEORY OF RELATIVITY AND EQUALITY :) ;) 

I would quote Shri krishna"hey partha, tu bas karma kar, fal ki chinta mat kar...."

Monday 13 May 2013

MASK: Its again

Heart, emotions, tears, laughter, is part of our life. Love, Relations, friendship, etc is different phases of life. I always feel as if I have been a nail on the wall which is always hit and used till the painting is needed and then no one counts me. When we are coloring our house, we will not even look at that nail and will just extend the color of walls on it also. Then comes the time when we are decorating our house and then we remember this nail which is just hanging over there from days and we happily hang our painting on that nail. A 2 ft painting depends on that .5 inch nail. The amount of trust kept by a painting worth thousands or lakhs of Rs is dependent on that 50 paisa nail and then the painting just keeps on hanging and hanging unless a day comes when due to some reasons the painting falls down. As it falls finally we will say, “there is some problem with this nail only ". We will hit that nail again with hammer and the story continues. The analogy seems perfect match for most of the readers reading this. You all might feel the same thing that yes you are that nail on the wall which has been battered, mutilated, lambasted, hurt, disfigured, smashed, shattered,  punished,  thrashed, wrecked, disabled, broke ,assaulted , butchered , crippled , crushed and finally destroyed. You are used and used pretty well. The above words are not in their perfect means of destroying the person but it’s about destroying your trust, love, care, respect, relation, admiration, appreciation, courtesy, honor, account, assurance, confidence, credit, dependence, expectation, faith, truth, hope and other various feelings which are uncountable for a layman.

It’s those same fake faces who are wearing that weird smile on a simple and pious face. It has happened with me always, I have been outcast-ed or maybe it might be my thinking. Yes there are all the possibilities that I may be the culprit or maybe there is some so called chemical locha inside my DIMAG, But maybe that fake faces are always around me or maybe i am gullible enough to be cheated with those mask that they all are wearing and moving right with me. The world is Dog eat dog world and it’s the survival of the fittest but would a person keep on loving others and follow their trends?

NO. There is always a saturation point of every person. We all might come across such dichotomy of life when we feel that we are just living in solitude. People say that have a cup of tea and a bowl of pop corn and watch the show. I can never be part of that fake show. Yes I have friends and hundreds of them. I have enemies equal to the number of friends. I also have those people who keep on switching between friend and enemy. I keep on asking every time that is this a good person? I just hope that this guy don’t break trust or  this one does not just forget me or this one don’t play politics or this one does not value my friendship. But it all happens and it goes on in opposite direction

One of my friends told me that parth listen no one is selfish or no one forgets but its just matter of time. So i said yes matter of time and proportion of usefulness. 2 of my friends visited my home twice or thrice and lived for 2 to 3 days and then when you meet them in future then there would be hardly a smile on their face.After some days they will again call me and might not even call though they might come to my city. So that's the point, now i don't need you.

A story of couple of my friends who are now no more friends. The reason was one told other to just check his gf whether she is loyal to him or not and after just one day that guy accused of flirting with her. Such losers are people that they neither can keep their love nor friends. In my past 6 years I have battled such mean, nefarious people and I have now chose solitude in place of friends. For me the word friend is as hypothetical as vampires. People believe of its presence but neither have I experienced nor I want to. Many people reading this might call this as one sided affair or shit but that’s what I have experienced. The only reason is I am unable to adjust the word "adjust". I can’t let go fake faces. I can’t forget what a person had done with me...yes I have been dense enough to befriend that guy again and again becoming a part of movie.



The poem is about something which many people feels. Its about those masks which are wore under so called relations and friends. It starts with current situation of a person and about his past in alternate paragraphs. paragraph 1st,3 and 5 th shows the solitude of person. 2, 4 and 6 shows the reasons behind it.The paragraph 7 and 8 are the epitome of all that I want to explain here.:)


Never ever thought would take that long way,
In search of truth trotted on the way.
Those stars up in the sky,
A picturesque darkness and shining pearls nearby.

Started in search of truth, love and real friends,
kept following the years old trends.
I wore the sunglasses of illusion on my eyes,
A mistake that showed me love instead of lies.

Now alone trodden on the road with a pair of jeans,
It was indeed the dichotomy  of my genes.
Playing with mirage of trustworthiness,
Became the epitome of nefariousness .

A group of friends always what I had,
A close friend that what I lacked.
My sunglasses made me the nail on wall,
They kept hitting unless I was all gone.

Hopping down the lane was a lonely aspiring finder,
Threw away those glasses and became a gambler

Took a risk and gambled relations and friends,
Kept hoping that this relation will  never come to an end.

Nail fallen down battered hard,
Unknown that I was the dart.
21st century as all of them said,
parth be as fake as you can.

Its a dog eat dog world as they said,
Use your brain that they never said,

They will remember you and lick your ass,
Once its over a punch on your face.

The thing that hurts and creates sympathy,
Is I loved , trusted and befriended and they showed apathy,
I completed all of their tasks and waited for my turn to ask,
They smiled and just changed their mask.....just changed their mask...just changed their mask...:( 

I am not saying to hate all but its me who have faced such people, so always follow as shown in this image

-Aspiring Finder (PRS)
Parth R Sanghani

Wednesday 27 March 2013

અભિમાન 10 વેતનું

                                 અભિમાન  10 વેતનું 

Festivals and life and love and enjoyment and friendship and enmity and money and all sort of things are just a myth. People celebrate festivals but they don't know its real importance. People want to go out and enjoy but they don't know the reason.World is full of fake things and grumpy, proud people.

અભિમાન અભિમાન અભિમાન ...

આ એજ અભિમાન જેણે રાવણ,કંસ ,હિરણ્યકશ્યપ ,દુર્યોધન ,દુશાષણ,વગેરે  બધા ને હરાવ્યા . પૈસા  અને સોના  અને સંપતિ પાછળ ઘેલો આજનો માનવી એટલો ખરાબ થઇ ગયો છે કે એ ભૂલી જાય છે કે એ જે કર્મ  કરશે એવાજ એને  ફળ મળશે ....

Ego : The ego goes with so many words egoist, egotist , egomaniac , etc but all are the reasons of destruction of a person. People are proud of their deeds. They feel that they are the only one knowledgeable here and they live their whole life in egoism.

MY NEXT POEM IS ABOUT SUCH A PERSON WHO WASTES HIS LIFE IN EARNING MONEY AND IN HIS OWN EGO ....પોતાના અભિમાનમાં જીવતો આ માણસ ખુબજ દુખી થાય  તો પણ એનું અભિમાન ના  ઘટે ..

1)માણસ જન્મે એટલે ગામમાં જલેબી અથવા પેંડા વેહ્ચાય . માં બાપ, દાદા - દાદી , કાકા - કાકી , બધા ઉત્સવ મનાવે અને આ  જોઈ ને પેલા 2 દિવસના બાળકને વિચાર આવે ,"કે સાલું મારું કંઈક  મહત્વ લાગે છે બાકી આ બધા લોકો આટલા તો ઉત્સવ ના મનાવે "અને એનું અભિમાન ત્યારેજ વધી જાય .

2)8 વરસ ની ઉમર પર જયારે માં બાપ પુત્રની બધી ઈચ્છા પૂરી કરેને એટલે પેલા 8 વરસના બાળકના મનમાં હુંકાર  ચાલુ થાય . માં બાપ  બધી માંગ પૂરી કરે એટલે એનું અભિમાન 2 વેતનું  થઇ જાય .

3)16 વરસનો યૌવન થાય એટલે દોસ્તારોમાં  શેખીયો મારવા રૂપિયાનું વહેણ કરે અને એમાં પણ પોતાને મહાન ગણે .આમ એનું અભિમાન  વધતું જાય .

4) 20 વરસની ઉમરે ધંધે ચડે એટલે પછી તો છોકરો ગયો હાથ માંથી . બુદ્ધિજીવી બાપને ડફોળ ગણે અને પોતાને  સર્વબુદ્ધિમાન . વળી પાછુ ઘરમાં હવે તો પોતેજ કમાવનાર એટલે હું કંઈક છું ની ભાવનામાં એ બધાનો અનાદર કરતો ફરે  .

5) સંસારમાં પ્રભુતા પગલા ભરે એટલે કેવો પુત્ર અને ક્યાંનો પુત્ર . કોણ બાપ અને કોણ માં ? હવે તો હું અને મારી પત્ની અને અમારું સુખી સંસાર . અમે ખુબ સુખી અને સુંદર જીવન જીવીએ . એમ કરતા કરતા 5 વેતનું વધી જાય  અભિમાન માનવી નું .

6)ઘરમાં પુત્રનો જનમ થાય એટલે પાછુ એજ સોનાનું પારણું  સજાવવામાં આવે  અને  ઉલ્લાસ મના વામાં આવે , પણ એ માણસને  જ્ઞાન ના હોઈ કે આગળ શાંત નીર ખાઈ માં ધરી પડશે અને એ પણ એજ મુસીબતનો સામનો કરશે જે એના પિતાએ કરેલી .

7)આધેડ ઉમરનો થાય  અને પુત્ર મોટો થાય  એટલે બધા સામે પુત્રની ઠેકરી ઉડાડે કારણકે એ અભિમાની એવોકે પુત્રને પણ હરોળમાં રાખે .

8)બધા એને છોડીને જતા રહે સિવાય 2 જણ 1) એનું અભિમાન 2) પત્ની
પણ એ ઐશ્વર્યા અને પૈસા નો ભૂખ્યો એવો કે એણે  પત્ની ને ક્યારેય મહત્વજ  ના આપ્યું . આમ પત્નીને મોતી આપે પણ એ પણ એનાજ આંસુના ....

9) રહી ગયો એકલો હવે અને બની ગયો વિદુર કોઈએ એ . કમર ઝુકેલી હોઈ છે અને તો પણ સિંહાસન પર બેઠો એ . બાજુ માં 4 ફૂટ ની સોનાની લાકડી પડી હોઈ જે એન ટેકો આપે અને એ લાલચીને સોનાની લાકડી નું અભિમાન .

10) મૌત થઇ એની જયારે ત્યારે એને યાદ કરવા કોઈ ના હોઈ . માત્ર કાન્ધો  આપનાર આવે અને રાખે એના પાર્થિવ શરીરને ચંદનની લાકડી પર . સ્વર્ગ સીધાવવાનું એને દુખ નહીં પણ પેલી ચંદનના લાકડાઓનું એને 10 વેતનું અભિમાન ......:)

    અભિમાન  10 વેતનું 

10 વેતનું અભિમાન તારું
10 વેતનું અભિમાન ..

પગ પસાર્યા તે આ દુનિયામાં જયારે ,

સોનાનું  પારણું  સજાવ્યું ત્યારે ,
તારા પરિવારની સમજ કે તું છે ભેટ ,
અને વધ્યું તારું અભિમાન 1 વેત .

ઉમર થઇ 8ની તારી ,

સોનાથી તોલવાની  હતી વારી  ,
વધ્યું તારું અભિમાન નાની ઉમરે ,
આમ 1 અને 1 પહોંચ્યો તું  2 વેતે .

3 વેત નું થયું તારું અભિમાન ત્યારે ,

ઉમર 16 વરસની થઇ તારી જયારે ,
દુનિયાભરના નબીરાઓની સજાવી મહેફિલ ,
અને રૂપિયાના રોફે ગુમાવી તારી તેહઝીબ .

ભાઈ 10 વેત નું અભિમાન તારું , 10 વેતનું અભિમાન।।

ઉમર થઇ 20 ની તારી ,

ધંધે ચડવાની હતી તારી વારી , 
વધ્યું પાછુ તારું અભિમાન ,
કમાન માંથી છૂટી  ગયું હતું બાણ 

24 વરસનો યુવાન રૂપાળો તું ,

લગ્ન માટે હસતો  હરખાતો તું ,
લગન કરી કરતો ફરતો ગુમાન,
મોટાઓ નું  ન રાખતો તું માન .

અભિમાન તને પુત્રનું 6 વેતનું ,

અને  સજાવ્યું  તે એજ પારણું  સોનાનું,
પણ જોજે કિસ્મત નો એ ખેલ  
આગળ  નીરની ખાઈ સાથે હતી મેળ .

10 વેતનું અભિમાન તારું , 10 વેતનું અભિમાન ..

પૈસા ઐશવર્યા  પાછળ ઘેલો  તું ,

પરિવાર ને ભૂલતો થયો તું ,
 પુત્રને  બેઇઝત્ત  કરતો તું 
અને હુંકાર કરતો તું 

8 વેત નું એવુંતો તારું અભિમાન ,

કે રહ્યું ના કોઈ ગાનાર તારું ગાન .
રહી  ગઈ  1 તારી પત્ની તારી પાસે 
પણ કુબેરનો ભૂખ્યો તું  એને પણ રડાવતો મોતીના આંસુએ .

રહી ગયો વિદુર એકલો કોઈ તું ,

અને બેઠો સોનાના  સિંહાસન  પર  તું ,
ઝુકેલી કમરને ટેકો આપતી તને સોનાની લાકડી,
અને તને તારી એ લાકડીનું  9 વેત નું અભિમાન , 9 વેતનું અભિમાન 

સ્વર્ગે  સીધાવ્યો  તું કોઈ કાળે ,

અને રાખ્યું તારું પાર્થિવ શરીર ચંદનની લાકડી પર ,
તને કાંધો આપતા માત્ર માણસ ચાર ,
પણ તને ચંદનની લાકડી નું 10 વેત નું અભિમાન ...
ચંદનની લાકડીનું 10 વેત નું અભિમાન 


Sunday 10 February 2013


 Days just come and days just pass and life just goes on. Finally I got some time and guts to come and write my blog again after almost 4 months. Just now while writing this my fingers are tethering and my mind is booming that what am i going to write? Maybe lets see if I am really able to write here or not. So my life as always is soothing and travelling through all the patches possible in this world.

In last 4 months I almost traveled at the speed of lightning. First of all it was my external exam in last week of November. After that came the date 9th December , my elder sister's marriage and that was a tearful day for me. To forbid goodbye to your elder sister who has supported you in all your thick and thins is something far away for a person who has a sister. Relatives all around and then managing all the things on your own. It really makes a tedious job. Then 18 th December to 24 th December were those amazing days of my life which i would never forget. A trip to MOOD INDIGO at IIT BOMBAY along with some of m the best friends and moreover that walking on roads at beaches at juhu ,at marine drive in locals, my losing the MR MOODI contest in semifinals. That moving on the roads and living in IIT campus could not be more mesmerizing for me.

Then it was the new year party on 31 st of December along with 2 of my good friends named Roy ashwani and Utkarsh patel in one of the finest hotels of the city named " relish" .Gals and boys dancing at high tunes of hookah baar and chikni chameli and life stepping one new step in the year 2013.As the countdown from 10 started,I closed my eyes for my 10 biggest moments of 2012. As the crackers fired and hugs surrounded me , my eyes were filled with tears. The tears were for those innocent mistakes and for that mesmerizing moments, for that brazen efforts and for those successful ventures and the crescendo of happy new year plunged into my ears and I hugged my friend.  Life again started as usual with same old lectures and dog life of daily commutation.  Wake up at 7, take the bus at 7:45, reach late in college and then rigorously drag yourself in labs and lectures and if in such a moment if u chit chat with your friends then you are inviting the god of death i.e. lecturer just slams you infront of your class with his words and you being a brave guy revolt against him.

Meanwhile Uttrayan came and the pompous, colorful,festival of  kite flying came.I visited the patang bajar of baroda. Near the sursagar talav amidst the dense localities between 2 famous gates from Mandvi to nyaymandir. Boys and girls , uncles and aunties , dadas and dadis , all were out for buying kites, crackers and caps and balloons. I just checked my watch and in huge hustles and bustles and elbows pushing me, I saw that time was 00:45. Yes at 1 o clock in night the city was awake and so were all the gujaratis in all mega cities of gujarat . Really proud of being a gujarati where people just knows how to enjoy the life.... ગરવી ગુજરાત ....

The time started when the fight between  goliath and the david started. The educated engineer named goliath was teaching us  and many of the davids were waiting for his end:P :P . I meant to say that the harassment had started and is still going on. Why does a faculty forgets that he himself was a student at one time? Why does he forgets that there was a time when he was among those innocent faces( the word innocent is just for the sake of adding :D :D ) ? well still many of the davids have been able to pelt stones and  bring that goliath down,but one down and one more will rise. The fights just goes on in the engineering colleges  until one of the david himself would turn into goliath on one fine day.

Well then I participated in youth festival at bardoli and I tasted victory in its raw form. I felt as if the formula for victory was only with me as  my penance of 2 weeks in practicing for one act play i.e. 30 minutes drama, Debate and quiz and I leapt  to 1 st position.and lead me to following thoughts...

The tension of internals.....The promises made ...The arrangements done...The hard practices we had done daily in last 2 lectures..
That running to Faculties for attendance and internals problems...
To the ONE WHO SAID TO ME "Cant u participate in technical competitions"
To the one who said to me"Shu karvu che youth festival ma participate kari ne?"
To the one who said to me "Tane bau sokh badhe rakhadvano ,jap ne "
To the one who said to me "shu la atli competitions ma fare che .1k naavdi ma bes ne "
To the one who said to me "Bhai ocha natako karo assignment and all kon aapse?"
what say SPARTANS ???? as i proved myself by winning 3 competitions and playing a role of making my university champion among 12 universities....

The life just goes on and as I had not been writing anything ....I just thought of telling all my followers that within a week I ll be back with 2 magnificent articles ....and so came up with this personal article of whats happening in my life..........